Starting January 1, 2025, Coldwater Township Residents can get reimbursed the full fee for a DAY PASS or DROP-IN SPORT at the Dr. Robert W. Browne Aquatic and Recreation Centers.
You MUST be a Coldwater Township resident in order to receive this benefit. Benefits only apply to members of the resident’s household.
What is reimbursable? Day Passes (pool, track, court, fitness room) and Drop-In Sport fees.
Please bring in any receipts, along with your DL/ID, to the Coldwater Township Office to apply for reimbursement. Residents can submit a request for reimbursement once they have collected receipts totaling $25 or more. It is the COLDWATER TOWNSHIP RESIDENT’S responsibility to get a receipt from either the Aquatic Center or the Recreation Center to be submitted for reimbursement. Only original receipts will be accepted. Copies or pictures are NOT acceptable. A current DL/ID with your current address listed is required to be shown at the township office.